Code Section
Family 71.01, et seq. Repealed; now Family 71.001 et seq.
Activity Addressed by Order
Enjoin contact; exclude from dwelling, employment, school; regarding minors: enjoin contact, temporary custody, support; counseling; reasonable court costs and attorney fees; suspension of firearm license
Temporary: maximum 20 days, may be extended; General: maximum 2 yrs.
Penalty for a Violation of Order
Fine, maximum $4,000 and/or jail, maximum 1 year. If family violence occurs, can be prosecuted for a misdemeanor or felony, carry jail minimum 2 years. Temporary: maximum $500 fine or maximum 6 months jail, or both
Who May Apply for Order
Adult member of family; prosecuting attorney; department of protective and regulatory services
Fees Waived
Yes; fees paid by respondent
Transmission to Law Enforcement
Copy to chief of police where protected resides and to department of public safety
Civil Liability
Yes, contempt of court