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Indiana Protective Orders

Code Section
34-26-5-1, et seq.

Activity Addressed by Order
Enjoin contact; exclude from dwelling; regarding minor children: support, custody, maintenance, counseling; refrain from disturbing peace of petitioner; refrain from damaging petitioner’s property; order possession of property; pay attorney fees

Emergency: 60 days maximum. General: maximum 1 year, may be extended, maximum 1 additional year

Penalty for a Violation of Order
Confinement in jail, prison, and/or fine

Who May Apply for Order
Person or member of the petitioner’s household

Fees Waived
Yes, but may collect from party against whom the order is sought if court finds issue meritorious

Transmission to Law Enforcement
Transmit by the end of the same business day a copy to each law enforcement agency designated by petitioner. Some orders must be entered into Indiana Data and Communication System (IDACS)

Civil Liability

Inside Indiana Protective Orders